Lumber Products


African Mahogany (Khaya ivorensis)


Typical red-brown heartwood. Mild easily worked timber providing good attractive finishes. A wood of great versatility.
Weight: 500kg/m3 at 12-14% MC
Strength: 9-11000 N/mm2
Available as: Sliced Veneer, Lumber


Asanfena (Aningeria spp)


Heartwood and sapwood red brown to pink. Lower strength decorative interior specie. Similar wood as the European cherry.
Weight: 550kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 9-11000 N/mm2
Available as: Sliced Veneer, Lumber


Avodire (Turreanthus africanus)


Cream coloured heartwood and sapwood with attractive lustre. Fine grained, mostly interlocked or wavy. A very stable timber.
Weight: 550kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Available as: Sliced Veneer, Lumber


Ayan (Distemonanthus benthamianus)


Heartwood distinctive yellow, sapwood paler. Interlock grain. Fine even texture. Very stable.
Weight: 700kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 11-14000 N/mm2
Available as: Sliced Veneer, Lumber


Bongossi / Ekki / Iron Wood (Lophira alata)


Dark chocolate brown heartwood. Sapwood pale. Coarse texture. Very hard and extreme heavy. Resistance to marine borers. Acid resistant. One of Ghana’s toughest and most durable species.
Weight: 1050kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 19000 + N/mm2
Available as: Lumber


Bombax (Bombax brevicuspe)


Pale pinkish-borwn, light and soft species for interior use. Low strength, dires quickly.
Weight: 450kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Available as: Rotary


Dahoma (Piptadenia africana)


Yellowish brown streaky heartwood. Sapwood pale. For some commercial purposes regarded as an alternative to Iroko. A useful outdoor timber.
Weight: 700kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 14-19000 N/mm2
Available as: Sliced Veneer, Lumber


Danta (Nesogordonia papaverifera)


Attractive Mahogany red heartwood. Sapwood lighter. Fine grain mostly interlocked. Reasonable bending qualities.
Weight: 750kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 14-19000 N/mm2
Available as: Lumber


Denya / African Teak (Cylicodiscus gabunensis)


Distinctive yellowish-red heartwood. Sapwood pale. A hard and heavy species of high natural durability including resistance to marine borers.
Weight: 950kg/m3 at 12-15%MC
Strength: 19000 + N/mm2
Available as: Lumber

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